Tuesday, December 30, 2014

TT: Best Bully Sticks Treat Review and Giveaway

Happy Tuesday Everyone! I'm pleased to introduce two delicious treats: Best Bully Sticks Beef Puffs and Himalayan Gold Large Chew.

Best Bully Sticks Beef Puffs
These Beef Puffs come in an one pound resealable bag. The moment my mom opened the bag my mouth started to water. These light treats were not only chewy they were crunchy as well. Made from all-natural cow lung this treat is great for small and big dogs alike. What I liked about them the most is my humans can either break them into smaller pieces for training or leave them whole for a delicious treat.

The next treat I tried was Himalayan Gold Large Chew. What I loved about this chew is that there are only 4 ingredients: yak milk, cow milk, salt, and lime juice. This chew is great for my pals who have allergies. My chew was about an inch thick and about 6 inches long. My humans loved that it kept me entertained for hours. One thing my humans noticed that there were some small pieces that broke off that could be a possible choking hazard. However, anytime giving your dog treats possess that risk, which is way supervision should always take place while your pet is enjoying their treats. 

Overall, I would give both these treats 4 paws up and would share them with my pals!

You can learn more about Best Bully Sticks on their Website and these social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, and their Blog.

Now time for the giveaway! If you are 18 years of age or older and a US resident, simply enter the rafflecopter below for your chance to win these treats. One winner will be selected by random. If you have a small dog we will substitute a small/medium Himalayan Gold Chew for them.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

WW: Merry Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve
May each and everyone of you have a wonderful Christmas Eve that is full of great people, fluffy pets, and wonderful times. But don't forget the Reason for this Season, the birth of our Lord. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

WW: Mail

My mailman has been keeping busy, here is what has been coming and going this week!

I finally finished all my Christmas cards, with the help from mom of course. Off to the mail box with these.

The current Christmas card count is:
Spencer: 23
Humans: 16

As you can see I'm still beating my humans!

The mailman also brought me my first Christmas present. It is from my grandparents!

I got this wonderful dish and place mat set from Life Is Good. Love how they say "Half Full" on them.

Finally, check out this guy! He is also a gift from my grandparents. They said they thought he looked just like me. What do you think? Do you think he looks like me? By the way, I named him, "Rufus."

Sunday, December 14, 2014

B&W Sunday: Giving Needs No Season

For the last two weeks I have been sharing gift ideas to help you find just the right present for someone special. This last week I was able to give back to many special dogs and cats in need.

Throughout the year I try to collect toys, food, beds, collars, treats, and so much more and donate it to my local humane society. Whether it is through couponing, giveaways, events, or accept donations from families who no longer use their pet supplies, this year I had a giant haul. 

Here is a list of some of the items donated:
17 Tug Toys
5 Squeaky Tug Toys
4 Holiday Toys
10 Balls
4 Tuff/Durable Toys
12 Cans of Cat Food
5 Bags of Cat Treats
2 Portable Water Dishes
1 Metal Food Dish

And more supplies donated:
Electric Nail Trimmer
Light-Up Collar
2 Dog Beds
2 Bags of Dog Food
15 Bags of Dog Treats
2 Dog Bone Wreaths
2 Shirts

Here I am presenting my donation to Gerald, Co-Chair at Brown County Humane Society.

I have been blessed with this opportunity to give back and can't wait to start stocking up for next year!

If you have animal supplies that you no longer need or no longer use please donate them to your local humane society or rescue shelter.

Remember, Giving Needs No Season!

I am joining the Black n White Sunday Blog Hop hosted by

Friday, December 12, 2014

FF: DIY Tug Toys and Giveaway

Today's DIY Project is Tug Toys. This project will help keep you dog entertained and a great project for kids to help with.

3 Different Colors of Fleece (I got a yard of each)
Rotatory Cutter Scissor
Cutting Mat
Ruler or Cutting Guide

Total Cost: Under $15 (Got my fleece on sale)
Project Time: To make just one tug toy 5-10 minutes. If you cut all 3 yards and use it all about 30-45 minutes, making about 20 tug toys.
Skill Level: Easy to Moderate
Kid Friendly-Parents need to supervise the cutting of the fabric.

1. Lay your first fabric out on your cutting mat flat. Using the ruler or cutting guide start cutting strips every 3 inches until the amount of strips you need to make the amount of toys is achieved.

2. Once you cut all three colors layer the three fabrics on top of each other, order doesn't matter. Tie a knot at the one end and pull the fabric tight.

3. Start braiding your 3 fabric until you have about 5 inches left. Then, tie the other end into a knot. You may need to undo some of the braiding to make it easier to tie.

4. Finally, cut the end fabric that is outside of the knot so the fabric is all the same length. 

And there you have it, a fun tug toy that you dog will love to play with. This is a great toy you can make to donate you your local humane society or rescue organization.

Don't forget to enter the two giveaways that are going on know!


I'm joining FitDog Friday blog hop hosted by

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

WW: DIY Treat Jars and Sweet Pea Kitchens

Sweet Pea Kitchens has a wonderful holiday line of treats that will leave your pup drooling for more. With names like Holiday Dinner, Potato Latkes, and Chunks of Coal how can they resist.

So what is in these tasty treats?

Holiday Dinner is made of: Gluten Free Oat Flour, Nitrate Free Turkey, Organic Pumpkin, Egg, Maple Syrup, Vitamin C, and Flaxseed

Potato Latkes contain: Organic Oat Flour, Organic Sweet Potato, Peanut Butter, Organic Dry Milk, Honey, Egg, Vitamin C, and Flaxseed

Chunks of Coal contains: Brown Rice Flour, Peanut Butter, Carob, Powdered Milk, Cinnamon, Vitamin C, and Flaxseed

These treats come in 5 ounce bags and run for only $8.00.

The best part of these treats, they are fresh and crunchy! 

Wouldn't you love to give that mischievous dog in your life a clump of coal for Christmas. Or that sweet, caring K9 a special gift? Well, make your own Treat Jars out of mason jars and fill them with yummy treats.

All I did was take three mason jars (one for each of my pals) and trace the lids onto different scrapbook paper and cut each of the circles out.

Then, I filled each of the jars with special treats. Making sure I gave some Chunks of Coal to my pals Louie and Carlie for always getting me into mischief. Once full, I placed the lids with the cut out circles on securely.

Finally, using twine I attached labels that I made to each of the jars.

And there you have it, custom treat jars that are gorgeous to give to that special pup in your life. 

Sweet Pea Kitchens also has cat treats as well.

You can learn more about Sweet Pea Kitchens by checking them out on their Website, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram page.

Now is your chance to win these three treats from Sweet Pea Kitchens. If you are a US resident 18 years of ago or older Just enter the rafflecopter below! Contest is open for one week.

Don't forget to enter our current giveaway that ends this Saturday.

*Disclaimer: Spencer the Goldendoodle did not recieve any monetary compensation for this review. Spencer was given these three treats free for the purpose of this review. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

DIY Dog Bone Wreath

Today's DIY project is a Dog Bone Wreath. This makes a great gift for those dog lovers in your life.

Cutting Mat
Box Cutter
Bowls-Large and Small
Ribbon-Two Different Colors, Base 1/2 in wide, Top 7/8 wide
Milk Bones - Amount will vary (I use the large milk bones)

Total Cost: Under $20
Project Time: About 30 minutes
Skill Level: Moderate

1. Place your cardboard on you cutting mat. Using the large bowl as a guide cut out a circle with your box cutter.

2. Now place the smaller bowl in the center of the circle and cut out the middle of the wreath.

3.  With your big ribbon tape it to the back of your wreath. Then start wrapping the ribbon around your wreath until it is all covered making sure the ribbon is tight while you wrap it and tape the end down.You can space it as close or as far apart as you like.

4. Using the thin ribbon tie it to your wreath and tape over the top of it. This will help proved extra strength to hold the bones in place.

5. Next, place your first bone on the wreath and wrap it with your ribbon. Make sure you are pulling the ribbon tight and hold it in place while you place the next bone. While you are doing this you may need to make adjustments to the placement of your bones. Just make sure the ribbon is tight.

6. Once you get to the end tie the ribbon around the wreath and tape it in place.

7. Using the top ribbon make a hanger and using the base ribbon you can make a bow to finish off your wreath.

If you plan on going anywhere for Christmas and are bring your dog with, this makes a great host/hostess gift. 

You can also make one and donate it to your local humane society!

Since we didn't use any glue all the bones can be used as treats for you K9 pal. If you plan on hanging your wreath up, make sure it is out of reach from you animal. 

Don't forget to enter our giveaway that is open to US residence who are 18 years of ago or older. *Tree not included*

I am joining the Tasty Tuesday Blog Hop hosted by

Monday, December 8, 2014

DIY Holiday Gift Ideas: Paw Print Ornament

This week I'm sharing DIY projects that would make great gifts for either the dog or dog lover in your life.

Today's project we are making Paw Print Ornaments.

Here is what you need:
1 Cup Flour
1/2 Cup Salt
1/2 Cup Water
Mixing Bowl
Measuring Cups
Cookie Sheet
Rolling Pin

Preheat the oven for 200 degrees F
Prep Time: 5-10 minutes (depends on how cooperative your dog is.)
Cook Time: About 2 hours
Skill Level: Easy
Great Project for Kids

Combine the flour, salt and water in your bowl. Then knead with your hands on a well floured surface until dough is smooth.

Roll dough with rolling pin until dough is about 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch thick.

Use a cup to cut out a circle in your dough. Make sure your cup is big enough to fit your dog's paw print comfortably.

Then, take your dough and place it onto your cookie sheet and press your dog's paw into to dough firmly. This took us a couple of tries to get it just right.

Next, use a straw to cut out a small circle into your dough. This will allow you to hook a string onto your ornament.

Place your cookie sheet into the oven on 200 degrees for about 2 hours or until your dough is cooked through. 

Take your cookie sheet out and let cool. You can then paint your ornament, write your dog's name and/or the year, or you can leave them plain.

You don't have to do just your dog's paw, I also did my nose and my pal Callie's paw. Kids could do their hand print or you could make plain circles and decorate after they are done baking.

Don't forget to enter our giveaway that runs through Saturday. This giveaway is open to US residents who are 18 years of age or older. 
*Note: The tree is not part of the giveaway.