"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." -Anatole France
Through this blog I hope to share the adventures of Spencer, a rescued Goldendoodle, along with providing helpful information on pet safety, products, rescue organizations and much more.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Tasty Tuesday: Back 2 School
It is that time of the year again when we dust off our backpacks, sport our new outfit and pack those lunches. When it comes to packing a lunch, you need to pack an exciting, brag worthy, and most of all the most delicious lunch around!
My brag worthy lunch concise of water, a banana, an apple, and Smart Cookee PB'N Jelly Treats.
These Smart Cookees are not only smell good, they taste even better! Bring these treats to school will definitely make me the talk of the halls.
Check out all of Smart Cookees treats and learn more about them by checking them out at their Website, Facebook, and Twitter
Also, Happy National Dog Day to all my pals!
I am joining the Tasty Tuesday Blog Hop hosted by
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Black n White Sunday: Card
Happy Sunday Everyone! What a fun and busy week it has been. But can not wait for what's to come. Until tomorrow, hope you enjoy this cute card that came in the mail. Isn't it too funny???
Friday, August 22, 2014
Warm Bucket Challenge
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is sweeping the nation. So I decided to join in on the fun and do "The Warm Bucket Challenge."
Please note, the day that I did this the temperature outside was in the 90's and the water that was used was room temp. My mom knows me well enough to know what I can tolerate. If your dog doesn't like water or being in this situation, do not subject them to this.
Have you done the ALS Challenge? What are your thoughts about it?
Fit Friday at a New Dog Park with New Fur-iends on a Perfect Day
Since meeting Emma, the star of My GBGV Life, and her mom at the Minnesota Pet Expo we have kept in touch. After looking at our schedules over and over again, we finally set a play date at a dog park I have never been too. The best part of this dog park, it has a swimming area. I have never gone "real" swimming before, but was excited to try.

The day was finally here, my bag was packed and I was dragging mom out the door. Not only was I going to be hanging out with Emma, but here sister Bailie was going to be there too!

Finally, we made it! Do you know how hard it was to get a picture of all three of us? We are all we behaved dogs, but why would we sit still when we are able to run free and play. I'm just glad my mom was able to get a good one.
As we were heading down the trail I saw the big pond. There was no holding me back, I dove in that water as fast as I could. Then, I found a tennis ball and the rest was history.
I wasn't the only one having fun in the water! I love this picture of Emma, it looks like she is blowing bubbles!
Then, Bailie found a ball and wanted it so bad. She was cute jumping up and down trying to get it.
There were lots of other dogs there that we also played with.
After we were done swimming, we continued on our walk. This was the perfect time to dry off.
Our moms had a great time chatting. Which was great, the longer they chatted, the longer we played!
I was sad to see our play date come to an end, but can't wait until the next one. I played so hard I could hardly keep my eyes open on the way home. What more could a dog ask for, we went for a nice long walk while playing and going for a nice, cool, refreshing swim.
I am joining the FitDog Friday Blog Hop hosted by
Thursday, August 21, 2014
State Fair for the Dogs
It's that time of the year again when people dust off their walking shoes, lather up on the sunscreen and head to the Minnesota State Fair. Also known as, "The Great Get Together." It is here where you will find people walking around with everything you could think of on a stick.
Did you know that in 1901, vice president Theodore Roosevelt first spoke that the US should "speak softly and carry a big stick" at the Minnesota State Fair.
Even a vice president talked about a stick.
Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed to attend this "Great Get Together." However, I decided to have my own state fair at my house. With the help of my mom, who has thumbs, we created out own, dog friendly, state fair on a stick.
As great as this idea was, I need you to understand how painful it was to sit there with all my favorite things on a stick and take pictures. I mean, do we really need 50 pictures, I just want to start the taste test already!
Here you have it fokes, we have:
*Toy on a Stick
*Stick on a Stick
*Frozen Yogurt on a Stick
*Frozen Applesauce on a Stick
*A Stuffed Kong on a Stick
*Carrots on a Stick
*A Ball on a Stick
*Apple on a Stick
*Banana on a Stick
*Treats on a Stick
*Beggin Strips aka Dog Bacon on a Stick
*Poop Bags on a Stick
*Water on a Stick
I am joining the Thoughtless Thursday Blog Hop hosted by
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Everyday around 11 am my humans get present in this thing called a mailbox. But, today, I received an awesome postcard reminding me that the Goldzilla event is coming up soon.
Goldzilla is RAGOM's (Retrieve a Golden of Minnesota, the company that rescued my mom from a puppy mill) annul fundraising event. I am so excited to finally be able to attend this fun, furry event.
My goal is to raise $250.00 for the Goldzilla. Right now, with the help of many, we have raised $130.00! If you would like to donate to this organization that rescues Golden and Golden Mixes from Minnesota and the surrounding states please click HERE.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Tasty Tuesday: Nature's Recipe Dog Food and Treats
A couple of weeks ago I participated in #BlogPawsChat on Twitter and won a coupon for free bag Nature's Recipe Dog Food and a bag of their Dog Treats.

On thing I love about this product, you can see what is in the bag before you buy it. Doesn't it look yummy???
I want to know what dog food does your dog(s) eat? Why did you choose that food?

In honor of Tongue out Tuesday, here is my pal Emma from My GBGV Life and myself enjoying the great outdoors!

On thing I love about this product, you can see what is in the bag before you buy it. Doesn't it look yummy???
I want to know what dog food does your dog(s) eat? Why did you choose that food?

In honor of Tongue out Tuesday, here is my pal Emma from My GBGV Life and myself enjoying the great outdoors!
I am joining the Tasty Tuesday Blog Hop hosted by
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Spencer's Pit Stops: Two-Story Outhouse
Introducing Spencer's Pit Stops!
This new series will showcase my adventures on the road, or shall I say my pit stops. There is so much out there at many don't know about. I hope, through this series, I can find these hidden gems.
Yes, you are seeing a two-story outhouse! Back in the late 1800's when a new family purchased the house, they added this two-story outhouse to accommodate their large family. This interesting find can be found in Southern Minnesota.
Many of you are wondering how this works. The bottom outhouse seat is positioned more in the middle of the outhouse. There is a "shoot" at the back of the bottom outhouse that sends the above waste down to the ground.
Many of you are wondering how this works. The bottom outhouse seat is positioned more in the middle of the outhouse. There is a "shoot" at the back of the bottom outhouse that sends the above waste down to the ground.
There is just something about outhouses that makes them so interesting. Maybe, because there are hardly never two that are alike. Or maybe, they remind me of a simple time of life. But, I can say, finding a two-story outhouse is definitely rare.
I want to hear from you: Have you ever seen a two-story or an interesting outhouse? Do you have any interesting "Pit Stops" you would like to share?
I’m joining in the Monday Mischief blog hop brought to you by
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Black and White: Friendly Wet Dog
Nothing is more friendly than a wet dog. Isn't that the truth. We just want to share all the joy and fun with those around us. Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. I can't wait to share with everyone a fun, filled next couple of weeks, stay tuned.
I am joining the Black n White Sunday Blog Hop hosted by
Friday, August 15, 2014
PetzLife Bath-Eaze Waterless Shampoo + Conditioner Review
I'm excited to introduce to you another one of PetzLife's wonderful product: Bath-Eaze Waterless Shampoo + Conditioner.
This product came in handy yesterday after I went for my first ever "real" swim. By the time I got home I still had that "wet dog" smell and some of my hair was matted. But have no fear for Bath-Eaze was here.
This product is simple and easy to use. First you spray this product on your pet. Next you rub it into their fur. And finally you wipe your pet clean! I now smell so good you could almost smell me through your computer. Not to mention, I'm now as soft as a teddy bear, again.
This product comes in two different sizes: 16 oz bottle and a 4 oz bottle that is handy to have when you are on the go.
I was suprised at how well the Bath-Eaze worked, especially on my tail. My mom had no problems combing out my tangles and I enjoyed all the extra attention.
If you would like to learn more about this product and many other products PetzLife carries, you can find them here: Website, Facebook, and Twitter.
Also, check out my previous review of PetzLife Oral Care Gel HERE!
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Thoughtless Thursday: Red Family
Here in Minnesota people are split on lots of topics, such as, you are either a Vikings fan, a Packer fan or don't like football. Another topic that has people split on, you either like red tractors or green tractors.
This topic has dogs picking sides as well. Wanting to stay loyal to my humans and most of all my grandpa, I am proud to support red tractors or Case IH tractors.
My grandpa alway says, "Green is for crops, Red is for tractors."
With that being said here I am supporting International Harvester by sporting my new bandana.
A couple of months ago you might remember me showing off my Case IH toy tractor. My combine looks almost like the one my Grandpa has.
How can I do a post on Thursday without having a flashback picture. Here is me in 2008 dressed up as a farmer, of course sporting an International Harvester hat.

How can I do a post on Thursday without having a flashback picture. Here is me in 2008 dressed up as a farmer, of course sporting an International Harvester hat.

I am joining the Thoughtless Thursday Blog Hop hosted by

Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Art Project With Your Dog
I'm excited to show you two different DIY projects that are easy and inexpensive to do with your pet. The first project is capturing their paw prints on paper. The second is making decorative art work for your house, while using those paw prints.
Tag Board (any size, the bigger the more paw prints you can get)
Acrylic Paint (any color)
Container Lid
Cutting Mat
Cuter or Scissors
Picture Frames (any sizes, as many as you want)
Rub On Decals (you can find at your local art and craft store)
Pictures (as many as you want)
We put the tag board on a small cardboard table outside. Then poured some paint on the lid to use as a "tray." After dipping my paw in the paint, my mom just played around with different placement, pressures, and amount of paint. The best part was afterwards, I got to go swimming to "wash" the paint off my paw and it all came off with no problems.
Once inside we took out the glass from the picture frames and placed it just right on the tag board. Then, using the cutter we traced the edge of the glass to get the right cut.
After the paw prints were cut out and placed in the frames, we applied the decals. They say:
"A true friend leaves paw prints on your heart." "My Dog."
Looking back we should have chosen a different color of paint so the letters would pop out more, but maybe next time.
Since we had so many decals left over we put them to use on my treat jar.
And there you have it easy, inexpensive project you can do to showcase your dog.
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