Thursday, September 12, 2013

Re-purpose In Style

Re-purpose In Style

The best part of being a dog owner is that they don't care what their toy box looks like or what kind of container holds their treats, food, or water. So take a look in your garage, basement or attic for old wire baskets, cookie jars, big mason jars or bowls and put them to good use again. I went to my parents' farm and found the old wire egg basket. Through re-purposing you can get that "country feel" without spending the big bucks!
You could also use crates, barrels, tins, or trunks that will give you a cool and hip vibe. Be creative my fellow dog lovers. But most importantly, have fun with it! And always remember - the money you save can be used to fill up your containers with toys, treats and other goodness. You'll be the best dog mommy on the block!


  1. Such great ideas! Thanks Spencer!!

    1. Thank you, it is fun to see what you can do with items that are just "laying" around.
